

During installation, the current user (the one running FakerNet) will be given access to commands that can used to gain root privileges if given unfettered access on a shell.

Script Installation


An installation script for Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu 18.04) is available in scripts/

Now go to Firewall Rules and Build Docker and LXD Images.

Manual Installation

1. Install Dependencies

These are:

  • LXD

  • Open vSwitch

  • Python 3.5 or higher, with pip and venv support

  • git

  • quagga routing services

  • traceroute

  • Python Development files (e.g. python3-dev on Ubuntu)

For Ubuntu, (which FakerNet has been tested on), this is the command:

apt-get install git python3-venv python3-pip openvswitch-switch lxd quagga traceroute

2. Install Docker

Install Docker as indicated on their website.

3. Setup Groups

Ensure your user is in the following groups:

  • lxd

  • docker

  • quaggavty


Be sure to re-login so that group permissions come into effect.

4. Configure Docker

Edit Docker’s configuration to do uid remapping and user namespaces. This is for both security and to allow mapping of configuration files in Docker containers.

In /etc/docker/daemon.json add the following (the file usually needs to be made):

  "userns-remap": "default"

Restart the Docker service, Docker will create the dockremap user and setup subuids properly.

5. Configure ID Mappings

To ensure the root user in the containers maps to our current user that will run FakerNet, modify /etc/[ug]id. In both /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid set the following.afterwards:


Restart Docker

6. Configure sudo

FakerNet needs to run certain commands as root to manage networking for the containers. To do this without running the entire framework as root, we can use sudo rules to give the current user access to the specific commands. These commands are:

  • ovs-vsctl: For controlling Open vSwitch

  • ovs-docker: For connecting Docker images to Open vSwitch switches

  • iptables: For making automatic redirects

  • ip: For controlling interfaces

# Example sudoers entries. Paths may differ in your case.
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ovs-docker
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/ip


Note these commands can give the user root privileges (apart from the possibility for root privileges from Docker and LXD), so be aware of the user you are giving these controls to and restrict access to the account.

7. Get FakerNet


If you haven’t re-logged in to activated the new groups on the current user, do that now.


If you haven’t configured LXD, run lxd init now as root. The defaults will usually suffice, but don’t create a managed switch during LXD setup.

Git clone the FakerNet repo and enter the root directory:

git clone
cd fakernet

8. Install Python Dependencies

Create a virtualenv and activate it, then install dependencies:

python3 -m venv ./venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Firewall Rules

Docker sets the default iptables forward rule to drop. FakerNet will set the FORWARD table to ACCEPT on start to fix this.

Build Docker and LXD Images

Once everything is installed, you’ll need to tell FakerNet to build the necessary Docker and LXD images. By pre-building the base images, this allows FakerNet to be portable into internet-restricted environments after the installation process is complete.

Run the build process using the following commands:

. ./venv/bin/activate


Congratulations, FakerNet is now set up and configured! For how to use FakerNet now, go to Using FakerNet